Beer Pong Overtime Rules

The bottom of all cups must remain flat on the table surface.

Beer pong overtime rules. We went through the basic rules of beer pong earlier but there are many more rules that dictate what you can and cannot do during a game. Official Beer Pong Rules 1. The 6-cup triangle must be centered on the table and the back of the rack must be in line with the back edge of the table.

If there is only one cup remaining in the redemption the team can take as many shots as it took the opposing team to make their final cup. Overtime is played like a normal game with the same rules applied ie. The Official Rules of The World Series of Beer Pong - the rules used for crowning World Champions of Beer Pong and paying out cash prizes exceeding 500000.

Players must alternate in these shots. During redemption if there are two or more cups remaining the team gets one ball and it is returned until they miss. IF a ball is bounced in by the Shooting Team ST the Defending Team DT must pull 2 cups instead of 1 pull the cup the ball lands in and an additional cup chosen by the ST.

Nov 06 2018 After both players have missed if there are any cups remaining the game is finished. During a Monday appearance on ESPN the former Colts punter essentially said the NFL should mirror the rules of rebuttals in beer pong. Jan 07 2020 NFL legend Pat McAfee has a great idea for changing the overtime rules for the league.

Three cups get put into the shape of a triangle and the would-have-been winners get the first shot. Overtime consists of each team setting up 3 cups in a triangle format using a beverage to fill them up. If all remaining cups are hit by the players then there is a 3 cup overtime to decide the game.

Oct 05 2020 However by reading the official rules just once will save you a lot of nonsensical debate at your next party. When shooting players must keep their elbows behind the edge of the table. Variation 2 The beer pong Sudden Death triple overtime requires that each team refills and places one cup on the table.

All cups must create a triangle with rims touching and pointing toward the opposing side. The team that first scored all of their cups shoot first to begin a sudden death round of beer pong. During overtime no racks are allowed.

Balls can be tossed or bounced into opposing teams cups. Each team takes turns in tossing throwing and bouncing Ping-Pong balls into the cups. To view the previous video in this series click.

If a wrists rule is in effect players must keep their wrists behind the edge of the table. Obviously with any drinking game there is an adaption to the rules. The team who makes all three cups first wins.

Beer Pong Sudden Death Overtime Rule. Breaking this rule results in. You will likely learn even more rules when you play with different players but most of the following apply to other variations of the game.

If they make all of the cups they enter overtime. The same redemption and rollback rules apply during overtime as apply pre-overtime. Jun 23 2020 Advanced Rules for Playing Beer Pong.

If a team hits the remaining cups during rebuttal overtime is forced. Watch and learn from our expert how to play a triple overtime game of beer pong in this free gaming video about playing beer pong drinking gamesExpert. This is usually an unspoken rule at house parties or at least until someone breaks it.

The team that hits their opponents cup first begins the Sudden Death round of beer pong. Bounce shots are worth 2 cups. But this will get you started on a night of fun.

The team who hit the last cup first shoots first in overtime. Oct 22 2015 Beer pong overtime requires three cups placed into a triangle shape. Read on for the official beer pong rules for the World Series of Beer Pong.

The basic beer pong rules are simple. However once the ball touches the table it is considered. The triangle shall be located 4 inches from the end of the table equidistant from either side of the table and with the base of the triangle parallel to the end of the table.

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