Beer Can Chicken Potatoes

You may consider giving the taters a bit of a head start.

Beer can chicken potatoes. Beer Can Chicken is great for summertime dinners you can just pop the chicken on a half-filled beer or soda that got too warm to drink. That is a good thing when it comes to roast chicken. Allowing the chicken to drip dry on a beer can roaster makes it possible for the skin to be a little crispier.

Jul 27 2020 While you do use a beer can or upright roaster to prop up the chicken you do want a pan to catch all the drippings that will fit the bird and the potatoes and carrots. Beer can roasters are pretty inexpensive and they can. Put them in a pan under the chickens.

Cube up some Yukon gold potatoes with mushrooms onions and your choice of seasoning.

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